We are all exposed to toxins on a daily basis, even if you live the most clean, non-toxic lifestyle. Some examples of this would be the pollution in the air, second-hand smoke, cleaning products, skincare products, perfumes, candles, off-gassing from furniture, pesticides, unfiltered water, and the list goes on. This is what we call a “toxic load”. The accumulation of these toxins in our bodies. The good thing is that our bodies are designed to detoxify and filter these harmful substances out; however, our systems can become overloaded, and that’s when serious health problems can occur ranging from skin breakouts to more serious chronic issues.

While we can’t avoid toxins altogether, we can absolutely minimize our exposure and, therefore, reduce our toxic load. In a time where toxins are unavoidable, it is so important to eliminate (or at least minimize) the toxins we can control. Luckily, we also live in a time where companies have created pretty great and effective non-toxic versions of everyday products from cleaning products to skincare. I know you’re probably thinking “but I can’t give up my regular hair dye” or “there’s no way I’m switching up my skincare routine”, and that’s fine! As long as you recognize it and find other ways to reduce your toxic load in your daily routine, the one thing you can’t part with yet should not put you over the edge. The goal is to reduce toxic exposure wherever you can so we don’t overload the body.

As a health-freak and toxin-avoider, I have found so many great and truly effective alternatives to help reduce toxic load, and I’d love to help you find a solution as well! In the meantime here some ways you can easily reduce your toxic load at home:

  1. Drink lots of water

  2. Use an air purifier

  3. Use fan when cooking

  4. Water filtration system

  5. Switching to non-toxic cleaning and beauty products

  6. Eat organic foods to avoid pesticides and GMOs

  7. Making sure you are regularly “eliminating” through urination and bowel movements

  8. Get rid of the plug-in scents & any toxic candle

  9. Avoid storing food in plastic

  10. Exercise and sweat


