Hello! I wanted to use this first post as a way to introduce myself and talk a little more about my health journey. My name is Ashlee, and I’m a certified health coach and mom born and raised in Los Angeles. I received my bachelors degree in Communication from the University of Southern California and shortly after became a Certified Health Coach through the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. People always ask me what made me so passionate about health, which is hard to say because there were so many little factors. I would say that I have always had some sort of interest in health and staying active, even though my eating habits as a kid were not the best. I think the most defining moment that initially made me want to dive deep into health was solving a stomach and digestion problem that I had been dealing with for years. Growing up, I went to doctor after doctor and did countless tests to figure out what the issue was, and no one had an answer. It wasn’t until my early college years when my mom and I decided to do a juice cleanse after Thanksgiving that I realized that the issue for me was dairy. While I never really ate much dairy due to a minor allergy as a baby, I did eat things like birthday cake or food cooked in butter at restaurants. This juice cleanse suggested we eliminate all forms of dairy for a few days leading up to and following the cleanse, and I was amazed by how great my stomach felt. This is the first moment for me where it all clicked…it was unbelievable to me that such a slight change could make such a huge difference.

Over the next few years, I became obsessed with health and nutrition, and I saw more and more firsthand examples of how minor changes in mine and my friends’ and family’s lives made a major impact. Once I became very well-versed in the health world through my hours and hours of research, I decided to become a health coach so I could help others. Over the years, I have become to the go-to person for friends and family for anything related to health and wellness, which I absolutely love. After becoming a mom, this passion for health only intensified. From the best diapers to non-toxic nursery furniture, I have researched it all. One of my goals as a mom is to provide my kids with foods to not only keep them healthy, but to form their palate at an early age so they actually like foods that are good for them. I have spent (and still do spend!) countless hours researching every little thing. So much in the health world changes and evolves regularly, which is why it’s so important to always research and stay up to date. Aside from constantly learning and creating a healthy environment for my family, I truly find so much joy in helping others do the same and seeing them reap the benefits from it. I can’t wait to help you!
